Estimated Savings on Fuel Bills from Heating Control Upgrades

12 September 2023

Estimated Savings on Fuel Bills from Heating Control Upgrades

The table in this document provides estimates of the potential savings on energy bills through the application of a number of heating control upgrades in a range of house types.

The savings are based on the average price for gas of 8p per kWh under the period of 1 July to 30 September 2023. It is assumed that this price of gas provides a reasonable estimate for average gas price over the lifetime of these measures. The lifetime is assumed to be 15 years.

Potential energy savings for TRVs, load and weather compensation are based on tests, the details of which can be found on the BEAMA website. Savings from smart control are based on a study by the Behavioural Insights Team. A description of the reference temperature control classes (I, IV, V and VI) can be found on the BEAMA website.

The total energy saving for ‘full upgrade 1’ and ‘full upgrade 2’ is based on each of the measures referenced for the upgrade being carried out in the order they are stated.

Links can be found within the document.