BEAMA Ventilation Launches Guidance on Indoor Air Quality

20 May 2021

The BEAMA Public Ventilation Guide sets out to explain to householders why maintaining good indoor air quality through ventilation is important, who is at risk, what ventilation system they have and other tips and tricks to ensure that can protect their family’s health.

The Healthcare Professional Guide is designed to help healthcare professionals assess at-risk patients and their living environments as well as providing advice for improving health through the control of indoor air pollution and improved ventilation. The recommendations in this guide are based upon National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines on indoor air quality in residential buildings, NG149, published in January 2020.

Helping Reduce the Spread of COVID-19 in your Home sets out to explain how ventilation can work effectively in your home to reduce the risk of virus transmission and protect health. This follows a recommendation from the Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), in their paper ‘Role of Ventilation in Controlling SARS-CoV-2 Transmission’, that a simple public guide on ventilation should be developed with reasons why ventilation is important, practical tips and/or FAQs.

More information can be found at: