BEAMA Webinar: The Home Energy Model (HEM)

13 February 2024, Online

Join us on the 13th February 14:00pm - 15.30pm for a deeper dive into the Home Energy Model (HEM) consultations to review some of the significant changes which will impact BEAMA members. This is a webinar for employees of BEAMA member companies.

The Home Energy Model (HEM) is the proposed replacement for the Standard Assessment Procedures (SAP).

HEM is a complete overhaul of the previous model and methodology. During this webinar, we will review some of the significant changes to the model, FHS wrapper/methodology and process by which products are added to the PCDB.

This webinar is aimed at a technical audience, including R&D engineers and those working with current SAP.


Webinar Agenda

14:00 – 14:10      Introduction and HEM structure

14:10 – 14:20      Future Homes Standards HEM Tool: Live demonstration

14:20 – 14:35      Insight from Sustainability Consultants, Darren Evans

Michael Brogden, Technical Director at Darren Evans

14:35 – 14:45      Discussion on the open-source model

Question 4: What are your views on using the open-source code as the approved methodology for regulatory uses of the Home Energy Model?

14:45 – 14:55       Discussion on data consistency and quality 

Question 2: What are your views on the ease of populating or sourcing data for those user inputs?

14:55 – 15:05       Discussion on SAP Appendix Q replacement

Question 12: What are your views on the principles for how the Home Energy Model will recognise new technologies once it is in use?

15:05 – 15:15       Discussion on increased time resolution

Questions 15: What are your views on the increased time resolution offered by the Home Energy Model?

15:15 – 15:30       Open floor discussion

What are the other areas which you wish to raise and discuss in this webinar?

15:30                     Close and next steps



If you have any questions you would like us to cover in this webinar or insight which would be of value, please contact your group lead or Amy Collins on the details below:

Amy Collins

E: [email protected]

M: 074 8302 9150