Orgalime position paper - Clean Energy for all Europeans - A call for making it happen now..

25 April 2017

BEAMA have been working with Orgalime to develop this position on the Clean Energy for all Europeans package (Winter Package). This is a positive signal from Europe in our work as an industry towards meeting our climate targets, and includes a comprehensive package of proposals for energy efficiency,  market design and renewables .  Orgalime is the prime voice of European technology manufacturers is encouraged by the Commission’s comprehensive Clean Energy for all Europeans package as the follow up to the successful ratification of the Paris Agreement in the EU in record time. Europe’s leadership in this area will without doubt enhance the EU’s political standing worldwide. It  is a complex set of proposed amendments to existing regulation and this position paper provides a fantastic overview of what’s included as well as the industries views on how these should be taken forward.  The key next step for us is to now ensure the important elements of this is not watered down and we protect the interests of our members.